10 min read

Blog 69: Slowing Down to Speed Up: The Surprising Benefits of Less

Discover the surprising benefits of slowing down. Learn how taking a break can help you achieve more.
Blog 69: Slowing Down to Speed Up: The Surprising Benefits of Less
Photo by Deepak Kumar / Unsplash

Discover the surprising benefits of slowing down. Learn how taking a break can help you achieve more.


time lapse photography of person
Photo by Matthew Brodeur / Unsplash

Ever felt like you're running on empty but still can't seem to get everything done? It sounds counterintuitive, but slowing down can help you speed up.

In today's fast-paced world, we often prioritise efficiency and productivity. But sometimes, taking a break or focusing on one task at a time can led to better results. Let's explore why slowing down might be the key to achieving more.

 Why do we slow down to speed up

Here's why slowing down is the solution to your constant hustle. You'll gain the clarity and focus you need to speed up in the long run by intentionally slowing down. It's about being bright with your time and energy, prioritising what matters, and ditching the chaos.

The Perils of the Hustle

We live in a culture that glorifies busyness. We're constantly bombarded with messages telling us to hustle harder, do more, and be more productive. But this relentless pursuit of productivity can take a serious toll on our physical and mental health. When we're always rushing from one task to the next, we never give ourselves a chance to rest and recharge. This can lead to burnout, anxiety, and even depression.

 And it's not just our mental health that suffers. When we're constantly stressed and overwhelmed, our physical health can also take a hit. We might experience headaches, stomach-aches, or even heart problems. Plus, when we're always on the go, we're more likely to make unhealthy choices, like grabbing fast food or skipping workouts.

The Power of Pause

black usb cable plugged in white electric socket
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

So, how can we break free from this cycle of busyness and burnout? It starts with slowing down and giving ourselves permission to pause. This might mean taking a few deep breaths before starting a new task or setting aside some time each day for quiet reflection. It could also involve saying no to commitments that don't align with your priorities, or delegating tasks to others.

When we slow down, we create space for creativity, clarity, and connection. We're able to tap into our intuition and make better decisions. We're also more present and engaged in our interactions with others. And perhaps most importantly, we're able to cultivate a sense of inner peace and wellbeing.

Plan a "Slow Down" Day: Choose one day to slow down intentionally this week. Clear your calendar, unplug from tech, and focus on activities that refresh your mind, body, and soul. If a whole day feels too much, how about starting with half a day or even just a few hours? You deserve it! Do you need support here, DM me and we can have a chat!

Steps to Embrace the Slow

road in the middle of forest
Photo by Eric Muhr / Unsplash

1.      Mindful Mornings: Instead of jumping out of bed and immediately checking your phone, try starting your day with a few minutes of mindfulness. This could involve meditation, journaling, or simply sitting quietly and focusing on your breath. Try this motto: sun before screen each morning.

2.      Intentional Breaks: Throughout the day, take short breaks to step away from your work and recharge. Get up and move around, stretch, or spend a few minutes in nature.

3.      Tech-Free Time: Set aside some time each day to disconnect from technology. This will give your brain a much-needed break and allow you to focus on the present moment.

4.      Prioritise Sleep: Make sure you're getting enough sleep each night. When we're well-rested, we're more productive, focused, and resilient.

5.      Say No: Don't be afraid to say no to commitments that don't serve you. Your time is precious, so use it wisely.

6.      Delegate: If you can, delegate tasks to others. This will free up your time and energy so you can focus on what truly matters.

Reaping the Rewards

selective focus photography of pathway between tomato plants
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

When you embrace the power of slowing down, you'll start to notice some amazing benefits:

·         Increased Productivity: When you're not constantly rushing and multitasking, you're able to focus better and get more done in less time.

·         Improved Mental Health: Slowing down can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

·         Enhanced Physical Health: When you're not constantly stressed, your body is able to function optimally.

·         Stronger Relationships: When you're present and engaged, you're able to connect more deeply with others.

·         Greater Creativity: When you give yourself space to think, you're more likely to come up with new ideas and solutions.

·         Inner Peace: Slowing down can help you cultivate a sense of calm and contentment.

Create a Morning Ritual: Start your day with a few minutes of mindfulness. This could involve meditation, journaling, or simply sitting quietly and focusing on your breath.

Top Quotes

green-leafed beside white photo frame
Photo by Angèle Kamp / Unsplash
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln
“If you ‘re always racing to the next moment, what happens to the one you’re in?” Nanette Mathews
“I’ve learned that sometimes we need to slow down to speed up. Busy and faster doesn’t always lead to bigger and better.” Robin Sharma
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life.” Eckhart Tolle
“Once she stopped rushing through life, she was amazed how much more life she had time for.” Unknown

Questions and Reflections

reflection photography of star and sky under calm body of water
Photo by Adrian Pelletier / Unsplash

1.      Reflection: When we’re constantly rushing, we often sacrifice quality for speed. Slowing down allows us to refocus on what’s truly important, which can lead to better outcomes in the long run.

Question: What areas of your life could benefit from slowing down to achieve better results?


2.      Reflection: Slowing down creates space for rest and reflection, which can help us avoid burnout and increase productivity.

Question: How could taking regular breaks or slowing your pace help you avoid burnout and be more effective in your daily life?


3.      Reflection: Doing less creates more intentional time for meaningful tasks and connections, reducing overwhelm.

Question: What small changes can you make today to slow down and focus on what truly matters to you?


A person standing in front of a waterfall
Photo by Karsten Winegeart / Unsplash

In a world that's constantly pushing us to do more, be more, and achieve more, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. The constant pressure to succeed can leave us feeling stressed, burnt out, and unfulfilled. But what if I told you that slowing down isn't a sign of weakness? It's a sign of strength and self-awareness.

When we slow down, we give ourselves the space to connect with what truly matters. We can prioritise our goals, reduce stress, and improve our well-being. Imagine a life without constantly rushing from one task to the next. Imagine a life where you have time to enjoy the little things, connect with loved ones, and pursue your passions without feeling guilty.

Want to learn more on how to slow down and speed up? Check out my mentor Jessica’s podcast, Episode 73: Slow Down to Speed Up. You’re sure to pick up some valuable tips!

✨ Introducing the Thriving Mums Membership! ✨

Are you busy mums feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and yearning for a life filled with more energy, joy, and purpose? 🙋‍♀️Then this membership is for you!

I've created this to meet you wherever you're at on your journey:

Wellness Warrior 💪

Desire: To feel less overwhelmed and have more energy.

So that You can show up fully for yourself and your loved ones, embracing each day with enthusiasm.

What you'll get:

·         Practical self-care strategies to fit into your busy schedule 🧘‍♀️

·         Energy-boosting tips and tools to combat fatigue ⚡️

·         Mindset shifts to cultivate calm and resilience amidst chaos 😌

·         A Wellness coach in your back pocket. ✨

·         A supportive community of mums cheering you on every step of the way! 🎉

The Transformation:

Imagine waking up each morning feeling refreshed, energised, and excited about the day ahead. ☀️ Imagine having the clarity and confidence to pursue your dreams, knowing you have a supportive community cheering you on. 🎉 Imagine living a life where you don't just survive motherhood. However, you are thriving in it!

I'm here to guide you every step of the way. This membership is your safe space to grow, connect, and create the life you deserve. 💖

Are you ready to invest in yourself and unlock your full potential? If this resonates with you, connect with me.

It's time to take the first step towards a life of energy, joy, and purpose!

Remember: You are capable, worthy, and deserve to thrive!

💪 Let's do this together!     

Do any of the below resonate with you:

  • Desire: Feeling of gratefulness.

So that: I am present for my life and enjoy the time with my kids and happy.

  • Desire: Feeling less overwhelmed.

So that: I can create more space for joy and connection in my life.

  • Desire: Increased energy.

So that: I can show up fully for myself and my loved ones, embracing each day with enthusiasm.

  • Desire: Feeling more connected.

So that: I have a strong support system to lean on and share life's ups and downs with.

  • Desire: Spending quality time with partner, kids, family, and friends.

So that: I create lasting memories and nurture the relationships that matter most.

  • Desire: Feeling time abundant.

So that: I can pursue my passions and dreams without guilt or stress.

  • Desire: Trusting that the universe has my back

So that: I can release worry and embrace the flow of life with confidence.

  • Desire: Feeling excited about life

So that: I approach each day with a sense of wonder and possibility.

  • Desire: Not living on autopilot

So that: I can make conscious choices that align with my values and goals

  • Desire: Pursuing my passions

So that: I can rediscover my spark and live a life filled with purpose and meaning.

 If this membership resonates with you, DM me or reply to this email, and let's chat.

 Connect with me:

Join the Gang: Join our community and share your experiences, insights, and any burning questions you have. Let’s build a supportive space where growth and transformation aren’t just goals—they’re what we do!

Here’s to a more vibrant, energised, and thriving you!

Thanks for being here, and let’s kickstart your growth and toast to your successes as you unlock your full potential!

Do you have questions? Don’t be shy—drop me a line! I love chatting with our awesome community.

Feeling overwhelmed and burnt out? You’re not alone. Many of us are struggling to keep up with the constant demands of modern life. But what if I told you there’s a better way?

As a coach, I can help you:

  • Identify your priorities: What truly matters to you? We’ll work together to define your goals and create a clear path.
  • Develop mindfulness techniques: Learn how to stay present in the moment and reduce stress through mindfulness practices.
  • Create a balanced lifestyle: Discover strategies to balance work, relationships, and self-care.
  • Overcome procrastination: Learn practical techniques to overcome procrastination and focus on your goals.
Ready to break free from the hustle and create a more fulfilling life?
I offer a complimentary 30-minute chat to see if we are an energetic match. DM or PM me or click on the link below to book in a chat with me.
30 Minute Meeting - Mukti Santos
woman in white shirt holding black ipad
Photo by Vitolda Klein / Unsplash

Take advantage of my latest blog post, dropping on September 29th! Discover how to carve out 5 minutes for yourself, even on the busiest days. This must-read post is packed with simple yet effective self-care tips every mum needs.

Hit Subscribe for a Special Treat! Sign up for a free PDF packed with quick 2-minute self-care ideas. Imagine how just a few minutes of self-care each day could transform your daily life, and how much more connected and present you could feel with your family and friends. Feel the difference when you're grounded and in tune with yourself. Don't miss out; subscribe now, plus tell your friends! Thank you!

Practice Saying No: This week, say no to at least one commitment that doesn't align with your priorities.

Get ready for some transformative insights and super actionable tips to take your wellbeing to new heights! Keep that excitement buzzing—we're just getting started on your wellness journey! 

Live your Life on Purpose!

With much Love

Mukti Santos 

“Sometimes you have to slow down in order to speed up.” Mike Vance

Journal Prompts

What are some of the ways that busyness and overwhelm are impacting my life?
What are some small steps I can take to slow down and create more space in my life?
What are some of the benefits I hope to experience by slowing down?