12 min read

Blog 68: From Chaos to Clarity: Tapping into Your Creative Flow

Unleash your creativity, even amidst the chaos of motherhood. Find clarity, energy, and purpose with our empowering tips.
Blog 68: From Chaos to Clarity: Tapping into Your Creative Flow
Photo by Roman Kraft / Unsplash

Unleash your creativity, even amidst the chaos of motherhood. Find clarity, energy, and purpose with our empowering tips.


paint brushes next to drawing book and water color palette
Photo by Tim Arterbury / Unsplash

Hey there, super mums! Ever feel like your creative spark's been buried under a mountain of laundry and to-do lists? Don't worry, you're not alone. In this blog, we're diving deep into the world of creativity with insights from the excellent Monica, a Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach specialising in helping busy people (like us!) tap into their inner muse. Get ready to ditch the overwhelm and embrace the joy of creative expression!

Monica, tell me about yourself, your personality, and your passion. How do you serve yourself? Also, how do you serve the community?

I'm originally from Italy, where I live with my two small kids; I've lived in Australia for seven years and hope to be back soon. In my Human Design, I'm an Alchemist (Generator). I've always been creative and multi-passionate but have never had the chance to fully embrace being an artist until now. I'm a curious human being, and I have a thirst for knowledge that fuels my travelling as much as my work and personal interests. I'm passionate about how people express themselves in every way and how this creates and changes interactions between them and themselves. I'm passionate about helping people, especially women, to find their way to communicate what's within them through creativity and, with this, empower them and, if they need and want, heal through their creativity.

Above all, I believe in love and kindness. I think people can only thrive when met with this approach, and I'm so proud to say my kind of creativity coaching - Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching - has this at its very core: kindness, compassion and a deep respect for the client's intuition. I serve the community the same way I serve myself, and sometimes even better as I tend to give more to others. Still, the tools and "strategies" are the same. So, compassion and being kind to myself and others, coming with curiosity and openness, self-awareness, recognizing and giving myself credit for what I do instead of beating myself up for what I don't, these are all practices I implement for myself and my clients.

1.      Monica, I'm fascinated by your work with busy people. As a Generator, I thrive on responding to what excites me. What specific sparks of creativity have you noticed tend to ignite even the most overwhelmed individuals?

Creativity is raw instinct, is a way of living, is perspective, is the direct reflection of our deepest self and everything that comes with it. The way we express our creativity is our choice and if we follow our intuition, if we listen to our creative wise self, it will feel right. So, when people come to me in overwhelm, especially in overwhelm actually, I make sure to help them connect to their wiser, intuitive self; that way creativity happens, in that beautiful state of connection.

2.      My defined Ajna Center gives me a knack for conceptualising and sharing insights. How do you guide people to trust their inner wisdom when facing creative blocks?

 I have different tools, and they vary from individual to individual, obviously because creativity is so personal. I could probably say the main thing is simplifying things as much as possible - "keep it simple" is one of my mantras - and it gets easier to tune in to oneself by practising. Naturally, we all come from different paths in life, and we all have different belief systems in place that can help or work against us, so in the coaching sessions, we work on those too, within the scope of Creativity coaching, obviously, never as a Counsellor or Therapist as those are not my qualifications.

3.      I love the idea of empowering creativity with kindness. How do you see that playing out practically, especially for those with a strong inner critic (like me with my defined Heart Center)?

Kindness goes hand in hand with acceptance. When we are in a state of fear, of any kind, we are likely to be frozen or in avoidance or going around in circles so we can't create and if we can't create, we can't be ourselves, not fully at least. So, accepting to "make mistakes" in our creative endeavours, allows us to accept the parts of ourselves we criticize the most, the parts we think are bad and need change or that are shameful. So instead of fighting to change them we are brought to them with curiosity and understanding and compassion in replacement to judgement. So, when we accept, we didn't do the painting or the writing, played the music or taken the photo or did the speech as we wanted to, we learn to accept we can make mistakes and still be worthy. With that feeling of acceptance and kindness, with time, patience and compassion, with tiny steps, slowly and steadily we can work on the beliefs that don't serve us anymore and grow into a kinder and more creative version of ourselves.

As I too have a strong inner critic, I feel confident in this coaching because I'm proof that these tools and approach work! The self-awareness I help people develop and deepen (and that I did too) helps immensely in catching yourself listening to that ruthless voice and adjusting the direction. Having a coach who completely understands that, supports you, and holds space and time for you in this process is priceless and infinitely valuable, I believe.

4.      Given my open Throat Center, I sometimes struggle with finding the right words to express my creative vision. What techniques have you found helpful for people stuck in that area?

 This is something I am very familiar with as I too struggle with this from time to time. So, my advice is: just say the "wrong words"! This is directly connected with the acceptance I talked about before. Do it crappy the first time, the second, the third, accept you're testing, you're experimenting and keep going. Accept whatever words come out and keep going. Creativity is experimenting! If anybody goes deeper about this and why this is hard, they will likely discover that it is rooted in perfectionism or fear of rejection. So, working on beliefs and practicing saying the "wrong words" until you find the right ones is one of the best approaches, in my opinion.

 5.      I'm passionate about personal growth and helping others. What's the most fulfilling aspect of your work, especially when witnessing transformations in your clients?

Well precisely that! Witnessing how much power and self-esteem such transformation and progress can give to people. How much confidence, trust, self awareness and strength this journey gifts are priceless.

assorted-color coloring pencils
Photo by Jess Bailey / Unsplash

6.      My defined G (identity) Center gives me a strong sense of identity and purpose. In your experience, how does clarifying one's purpose contribute to unlocking one's creative potential?

We're inclined to be creative when we are in tune with ourselves, and being in tune also means being clear/er about our purpose and goals. We cannot connect with our creativity if we're not connected to ourselves.

7.      I'm intrigued by your background in healing. How does that perspective influence your approach to creative coaching?

 Immensely! and wonderfully! I've always been aware that we're a whole. I always had this truth within me, intuitively, I've always been sensitive and recognized what's beneath the surface, which psychology studies helped me rationalize, and when I studied Naturopathy, Reiki and Massage I just found people that spoke my language so to speak. I found the words to say the things I've always known to be true but could never express. So, my experience as a Healer and Therapist helps me as a Creativity Coach in looking at the whole picture, in changing my approach depending even on the session, seeing people for what they truly are: complex, holistic beings with various systems that communicate, work together and influence each other. And this is why it makes perfect sense that creativity is non-linear, because we're non-linear!

We're forever-changing creatures and creativity is who we are. Creativity is part of ALL of us and as such it's affected by numerous things that we experience every day. Creativity materialised is a product of us, of how we experience and internalize our surroundings.

8.      My defined Spleen Center gives me strong intuition. How do you encourage people to tap into their gut feelings when making creative decisions?

 The creative decisions come from our intuition. Our Creative Self is part of our Wiser Self, so within the sessions, we practice doing this in various ways, such as through practical exercises and guided relaxations. I have a free guided relaxation on my website:

 9.      I love the idea of creative brainstorming calls! What kind of energy and collaboration can I expect from that experience?

The brainstorming calls are for both parties to test if this kind of coaching is a good fit obviously so naturally there are lots of questions. I always like to approach them with openness, honesty and curiosity and I will offer help or advice if it fits, so the person can start finding solutions to the problem at hand.

10.      Something I Wish People Knew About Me?

I’m not too sure actually. Often people think I’m extroverted while I’m really the opposite. I thrive in small groups and 1:1 conversation but big groups make me close up straight away.

 Is there anything else you would like to add here, Monica?

I don't think so, thank you for your wonderful questions! I really enjoyed answering! :)

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Feeling creatively stuck? Unlock your inner muse with Monica's FREE guided relaxation! Experience a moment of peace and reconnect with your creative self.

Top Quotes

Creativity flowing advertisement
Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

Monica like these quotes:

"Keep it simple" Alfred Eisenstaedt

"Slow is the fastest way.” Unknow
"Practice makes progress." Susie Ramroop

Mukti likes these quotes:

"You use a glass mirror to see your face. You use works of art to see your soul." – George Bernard Shaw
“A creative life is an amplified life. It's a bigger life, a happier life, an expanded life, and a hell of a lot more interesting life.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
 “Don’t wait for inspiration. It comes while working." – Henri Matisse
“The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” – Sylvia Plath
 “There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource of all. Without creativity, there would be no progress, and we would be forever repeating the same patterns.” – Edward De Bono

Questions and Reflections

low angle photography of drop lights
Photo by Skye Studios / Unsplash

·         What small, creative activities can you incorporate into your daily routine, even if you only have 5-10 minutes?

·         How can you practice more kindness towards yourself regarding your creative pursuits?

·         What limiting beliefs about creativity are holding you back, and how can you start challenging them?


white and black Together We Create graffiti wall decor
Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" / Unsplash

So, what are you waiting for, mama? Unleash your inner artist and embrace the magic of creativity! Grab those paints, pick up that pen, or dance like no one's watching! The world is waiting to see your unique brilliance shine! Share your creative journey by tagging me and Monica; let's inspire each other!

Curious about creativity coaching but need help figuring out where to start? Book a FREE brainstorming call with Monica today! Explore your creative goals and discover how coaching can empower your journey, putting you in the driver's seat of your creativity.

Connect with me:

woman and girl showing their tongues beside motorcycle
Photo by Sai De Silva / Unsplash

Introducing the Thriving Mums Membership!

Are you busy mums feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and yearning for a life filled with more energy, joy, and purpose? 🙋‍♀️Then this membership is for you!

I've created two tiers to meet you wherever you're at on your journey:

Tier 1: Wellness Warrior 💪

  • Desire: To feel less overwhelmed and have more energy.
  • So that You can show up fully for yourself and your loved ones, embracing each day with enthusiasm.
  • What you'll get:
    • Practical self-care strategies to fit into your busy schedule 🧘‍♀️
    • Energy-boosting tips and tools to combat fatigue ⚡️
    • Mindset shifts to cultivate calm and resilience amidst chaos 😌
    • A Wellness coach in your back pocket. ✨
    • A supportive community of mums cheering you on every step of the way! 🎉

Tier 2: Personal Growth Powerhouse 🚀

  • Desire: To pursue your passions and dreams.
  • So, you can rediscover your spark and live a life filled with purpose and meaning.
  • What you'll get:
    • Goal-setting guidance and accountability to turn your dreams into reality 🎯
    • Mindset coaching to overcome limiting beliefs and unlock your full potential ✨
    • Tools and strategies to create a life that truly lights you up 🔥
    • A community of like-minded mums to inspire and support you on your journey! 💖

The Transformation:

Imagine waking up each morning feeling refreshed, energised, and excited about the day ahead. ☀️ Imagine having the clarity and confidence to pursue your dreams, knowing you have a supportive community cheering you on. 🎉 Imagine living a life where you don't just survive motherhood. However, you are thriving in it!

I'm here to guide you every step of the way. This membership is your safe space to grow, connect, and create the life you deserve. 💖

Are you ready to invest in yourself and unlock your full potential? If this resonates with you, connect with me.

It's time to take the first step towards a life of energy, joy, and purpose!

Remember: You are capable, worthy, and deserve to thrive!

💪 Let's do this together!

If this resonates with you, DM me or reply to this email, and let's chat.

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards clarity, empowerment, and personal growth? For just AUD 50, you can schedule a transformative 30-minute call with me. It's an affordable investment that could change your life!

Investing in yourself is the ultimate investment. Grab this chance to transcend your limits and embrace the extraordinary. Let's unlock your potential together!

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Here’s to a more vibrant, energised, and thriving you!

Thanks for being here, and let’s kickstart your growth and toast to your successes as you unlock your full potential!

Do you have questions? Don’t be shy—drop me a line! I love chatting with our awesome community.

Feeling stuck in a rut and yearning for a life transformation?

Ever feel like you're running on a hamster wheel, constantly busy but never truly making progress? What if the secret to achieving more lies in actually doing less? Blog 69: Slow Down to Speed Up will be amazing for you. This will be out on September 22nd!

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Yearning to express your unique brilliance? With Monica's compassionate guidance, embrace imperfection and 'say the wrong words'. Unleash your creativity and step into your authentic self!

Get ready for some transformative insights and super actionable tips to take your wellbeing to new heights! Keep that excitement buzzing—we're just getting started on your wellness journey! 

Live your Life on Purpose!

With much Love

Mukti Santos 


“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” – Mary Lou Cook

Journal Prompts 

What small, creative act can I gift myself today, even amidst the busyness of motherhood?
In what ways am I holding myself back creatively, and what kind, compassionate steps can I take to overcome these limitations?
What dreams or passions have I put on hold since becoming a mother, and how can I start reconnecting with them, even in small steps?