7 min read

Blog 67: The Freedom of Letting Go: Removing Expectations to Reclaim Your Power

Are you ready to embark on a journey of personal growth and break free from the emotional rollercoaster of unmet expectations? Discover how letting go can lead to peace and empowerment, transforming your relationships and overall wellbeing.
Blog 67: The Freedom of Letting Go: Removing Expectations to Reclaim Your Power
Photo by Kristina V / Unsplash

Are you ready to embark on a journey of personal growth and break free from the emotional rollercoaster of unmet expectations?  Discover how letting go can lead to peace and empowerment, transforming your relationships and overall wellbeing.


person holding white electric plug
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

We all know that feeling. You're expecting a birthday shoutout from a friend or partner to see what you need or a little recognition for your hard work at the office. And when it doesn't happen? Ouch. It's like a punch to the gut, leaving you hurt and maybe even resentful. But what if there's a way to dodge those emotional punches? What if the secret to bouncing back stronger is letting go of those expectations?

 The Power of Expectations

Think of expectations like those invisible strings we tie to people, hoping they'll dance to a certain tune. We want them to act in specific ways, meet our needs, and make us happy. But here's the thing: those expectations often come from our heads, shaped by our past experiences and secret wishes. So, when someone doesn't live up to them, it's not necessarily about them or how they feel about us. They're just living their own life with their own unique set of priorities and perspectives.

The Price of Unmet Expectations

Holding onto expectations is like setting ourselves up for a fall. It's exhausting, and honestly, it's a recipe for disappointment, resentment, and even arguments. When we expect people to act a certain way, we're basically handing them the remote control of our feelings. We leave ourselves wide open to getting hurt whenever they don't do what we thought they would.

The Freedom of Letting Go

Letting go of expectations isn't about becoming a cold fish or not caring. It's more about realising we can't control other people, like trying to herd cats! People mess up, have their own things going on, and sometimes disappoint us. That's just life. The real shift is turning our attention to the things we can control – our thoughts, feelings, and how we choose to react.

Start by acknowledging that you can't control others. Accept that people will make mistakes, have different perspectives, and sometimes disappoint you. This doesn't mean you have to tolerate hurtful behaviour, but it does mean recognising that you can't force others to change.


Embrace the Unexpected: 3 Steps to Emotional Freedom

woman in white spaghetti strap top standing on the seashore
Photo by Ryan Moreno / Unsplash
  1. Acceptance is Key: The first step to freedom is acknowledging that you're not a puppet master. People will mess up, have different opinions, and sometimes let you down. It's not personal; it's just life doing its thing.
  2. Speak Your Truth: Instead of playing the guessing game, communicate your needs and desires openly and honestly. It's like giving someone a treasure map instead of expecting them to stumble upon your buried gold.
  3. Invest in Yourself: The most empowering relationship you'll ever have is with yourself. Focus on your growth, pursue your passions, and cultivate self-love. When your own cup is full, you're less reliant on others to fill it. It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment that's waiting for you.
Instead of harbouring unspoken expectations, communicate your needs and desires clearly and honestly. This doesn't guarantee that others will always meet them, but it opens the door for understanding and collaboration.

Top Quotes

women's blue and white floral surplice neckline camisole
Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST / Unsplash
“Remove expectation from people, and you will remove their power to hurt your feelings. If you don't like something, take away its only power: your attention.”  Bruce Lee.
“If you want to fly in the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward, you need to let go of the past that drags you down.” Amit Ray
“I don't regret difficulties I experienced; I think they helped me to become the person I am today, I feel the way a warrior must feel after years of training; he doesn't remember the details of everything he learned, but he knows how to strike when the time is right.” Paulo Coelho
“To resist change, to try to cling to life, is like holding your breath: if you persist you kill yourself.” Alan Watts

Questions and Reflections

woman walking on grass field
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo / Unsplash
  1. What are some expectations you often place on others? Are they realistic? Are they serving you?
  2. Think of a time when unmet expectations caused you pain. How did you react? What would you do differently now?
  3. Imagine a life where your happiness isn't dependent on others' actions. What would that look like? What steps can you take to create that reality?


a white box with writing on it next to a plant
Photo by hannah grace / Unsplash

 Letting go of expectations is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, practice, and self-compassion. But the rewards are immense. By releasing expectations, you reclaim your power, protect your emotional well-being, and build stronger, more authentic relationships. Remember, you are not responsible for others' actions but for your own happiness. Choose freedom. Choose empowerment. Choose to let go.

Shift your focus from what you expect from others to what you can control - your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Invest in your growth and wellbeing. Pursue your passions, set personal goals, and cultivate self-love.
a close up of a flower
Photo by GraceHues Photography / Unsplash

Introducing the Thriving Mums Membership!

Are you busy mums feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and yearning for a life filled with more energy, joy, and purpose? 🙋‍♀️Then this membership is for you!

I've created two tiers to meet you wherever you're at on your journey:

Tier 1: Wellness Warrior 💪

  • Desire: To feel less overwhelmed and have more energy.
  • So that You can show up fully for yourself and your loved ones, embracing each day with enthusiasm.
  • What you'll get:
    • Practical self-care strategies to fit into your busy schedule 🧘‍♀️
    • Energy-boosting tips and tools to combat fatigue ⚡️
    • Mindset shifts to cultivate calm and resilience amidst chaos 😌
    • A Wellness coach in your back pocket. ✨
    • A supportive community of mums cheering you on every step of the way! 🎉

Tier 2: Personal Growth Powerhouse 🚀

  • Desire: To pursue your passions and dreams.
  • So, you can rediscover your spark and live a life filled with purpose and meaning.
  • What you'll get:
    • Goal-setting guidance and accountability to turn your dreams into reality 🎯
    • Mindset coaching to overcome limiting beliefs and unlock your full potential ✨
    • Tools and strategies to create a life that truly lights you up 🔥
    • A community of like-minded mums to inspire and support you on your journey! 💖

The Transformation:

Imagine waking up each morning feeling refreshed, energised, and excited about the day ahead. ☀️ Imagine having the clarity and confidence to pursue your dreams, knowing you have a supportive community cheering you on. 🎉 Imagine living a life where you don't just survive motherhood. However, you are thriving in it!

I'm here to guide you every step of the way. This membership is your safe space to grow, connect, and create the life you deserve. 💖

Are you ready to invest in yourself and unlock your full potential? If this resonates with you, connect with me.

It's time to take the first step towards a life of energy, joy, and purpose!

Remember: You are capable, worthy, and deserve to thrive!

💪 Let's do this together!

If this resonates with you, DM me or reply to this email, and let's chat.

Connect with me:

Investing in yourself is the ultimate investment. Grab this chance to transcend your limits and embrace the extraordinary. Let's unlock your potential together!

Join the Gang: Join our community and share your experiences, insights, and any burning questions you have. Let’s build a supportive space where growth and transformation aren’t just goals—they’re what we do!

Here’s to a more vibrant, energised, and thriving you!

Thanks for being here, and let’s kickstart your growth and toast to your successes as you unlock your full potential!

Do you have questions? Don’t be shy—drop me a line! I love chatting with our awesome community.

white ceramic plate with paint brushes and paint brushes
Photo by laura adai / Unsplash

Feeling creatively stuck or overwhelmed? Unlock your inner artist and embrace the transformative power of kindness with Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching! Stay tuned for an inspiring interview with Monica, Blog 68, where we'll dive deep into the magic of unlocking your creative potential next week.

Hit Subscribe for a Special Treat! Sign up for a free PDF packed with quick 2-minute self-care ideas. Imagine how just a few minutes of self-care each day could transform your daily life, and how much more connected and present you could feel with your family and friends. Feel the difference when you're grounded and in tune with yourself. Don't miss out; subscribe now, plus tell your friends! Thank you!

Get ready for some transformative insights and super actionable tips to take your wellbeing to new heights! Keep that excitement buzzing—we're just getting started on your wellness journey! 

Live your Life on Purpose!

 With much Love

Mukti Santos 

“We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” E.M. Forster

Journal Prompts

Write a letter to your past self, offering advice on how to navigate the tricky terrain of expectations.
Create a list of affirmations that celebrate your own worth and remind you that your happiness is your responsibility.
Imagine a conversation with someone who has disappointed you. Write a script that focuses on open communication and understanding, rather than blame or resentment.