11 min read

Blog 64: Overcoming Challenges: Georgia's Tips for a Healthier, Happier Life

Learn from Georgia about fitness, nutrition, and achieving wellness goals while balancing family life.
Blog 64: Overcoming Challenges: Georgia's Tips for a Healthier, Happier Life
Photo by Caju Gomes / Unsplash

Learn from Georgia about fitness, nutrition, and achieving wellness goals while balancing family life.


woman jumping on green mountains
Photo by Peter Conlan / Unsplash

Meet Georgia Arharidis, a bubbly, fun-loving individual with a zest for life mentally, physically, and spiritually. Georgia is a certified fitness and nutrition coach passionate about helping others find their zest for life and reach their health and wellness goals. She thrives on seeing people succeed and loves knowing she played a part in their journey. Through her holistic approach to coaching, Georgia guides parents and families to balance their lives mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Join her on a transformative wellness journey, incorporating movement, natural supplements, and self-care practices for a healthier, happier life.

Introduction: Georgia, tell me about yourself, your personality, and your passion. How do you serve yourself? Also, how do you serve the community?

My name is Georgia Arharidis, I’m a bubbly fun-loving individual. I have a zest for life, mentally, physically and spiritually. My passion is to help others find their zest for life and reach their health and wellness goals. I love seeing people succeed in life and its nice knowing I had a part in that. I’m serving the community by inviting them to join their own wellness journey through coaching (mentally, spiritually and emotionally) and through movement and natural supplements (physically). I believe in health prevention and doing what we can to lead a healthy life.

10 Questions for Georgia

  1. Could you kindly share your personal journey into becoming a certified coach in fitness and nutrition? What was the driving force that led you to start helping parents find balance?

My journey started in 2002. I was fresh out of high school and loved going to the gym, and I became a qualified fitness instructor at 21. I enjoyed seeing people reach their fitness goals and decided to expand my repertoire, so I became a certified nutrition and health coach when I was 32 (and pregnant with my daughter). I wanted to drop my hours in my full-time role and focus on holistically helping people.

  1. How do you define a life of abundance, and why must parents strive for this balance?

 This is very subjective. The world is changing; we no longer live where it’s acceptable for people to work until they retire and then enjoy their lives. It’s about balance and enjoying the life we have now. This is why balance is so important. Having a life that ticks the boxes. Sometimes, it takes courage, mistakes and failures, but that’s how you learn and get closer to the life you want. Finding abundance is out there; it has the passion and determination to get there. A quote from my favourite motivational speaker, Dhar Mann, is, ‘If you believe, you can achieve’. Parents can have the life they want; it’s about breaking out of the mould and looking at how things can be done smarter (not harder).

  1. What are some common challenges parents face when incorporating fitness and nutrition into their busy lives, and how do you help them overcome these obstacles?

As we enter winter, it's tempting to indulge in comfort food, crank up the heater, and snuggle under a blanket. However, parents must realise that prioritising their well-being doesn't mean neglecting their family. It's the key to being a better parent, wife, or husband. By filling your own cup first, you're better equipped to care for those around you.

 Changing habits is simpler than it seems. It only takes 21 days to break a habit and start a new one. This means that with a little determination, you can easily incorporate healthier choices into your daily routine.

It can be something simple like instead of having cake for dinner, have a banana or a piece of fruit. If you're used to going to the café for lunch and getting that double shot mocha latte with whole cream milk, maybe get a tea or a cappuccino. Is it the milk and chocolate you're craving, or is it to take something warm to drink? Do you have morning tea at your office every Friday? Maybe supply celery sticks, carrots, dip and fruit as an option so there will be something for you to enjoy without feeling like you can't socialise.

 With fitness, incidental fitness is excellent and doesn't need to be onerous. Take the stairs instead of the lift and get off a stop earlier from the bus. It all adds up.

  1. Can you provide a few simple, actionable tips for parents just starting their journey toward better fitness and nutrition?

Be kind to yourself; it’s a big step and something that will get there in time. Set goals and what you would like to achieve using the SMART principle. Break down the goals into bite-sized chunks, which are manageable during the day. Firstly, try to stay away from the kid’s leftovers. It’s so tempting, and most of us have been taught not to leave food on our plates, but kids are so good at self-regulating and know when they are full. You’ll be surprised how many calories are consumed there.

I also coach my clients to use the swap method when starting. Swapping walking for driving (when applicable), swapping fruit for a chocolate bar, swapping sitting for standing (if you’re lucky to have the opportunity to stand at work), swapping watching TV for going for a walk around the block or listening to an uplifting playlist and dance around the house. Small changes go a long way when starting.

  1. How do you specifically adapt your coaching programs to cater to different families' unique needs and lifestyles?

As each family is different, I listen to their pain points, struggles, and circumstances to understand their origin. I will adapt my advice to them and what resources they have available to them.

Breathe neon signage
Photo by Tim Goedhart / Unsplash
  1. What role does mindset play in achieving fitness and nutrition goals, and how do you help parents develop a positive mindset?

This is probably the most important factor. Having a positive mindset is pivotal in making changes. Without this, nothing will change, and everything will become too hard. Making changes isn’t easy, and it takes a bit of time to rewire the brain and create new habits, but once these new habits have been formed, they will become easier. Having the determination to get there is the most important factor.

  1. Could you share a specific success story from one of your clients that particularly stands out to you? What were the key factors that led to their success?

I had a client who was sceptical about the process, wasn’t sure if this was right for her and wanted the easy way of returning to her old habits. She would see me and explain that it was difficult to incorporate the strategies we brainstormed and that she wanted to adopt but couldn’t understand why.  We then discussed her day and what triggers led her to react a certain way. This is when the penny dropped, and she realised why she couldn’t change. Habits come from a stimulus, and finding new habits is about shifting that stimulus to something different, like when coming from work and going for the fruit bowl instead of the biscuit jar or when coming home instead of going to watch TV, spend a bit of time walking around the house to get a bit of blood flowing through the body.

  1. How do you integrate self-care practices into your coaching to ensure that parents are fit, healthy, mentally, and emotionally balanced?

When we discuss goals, we talk about safety and ensuring plenty of moments to get to where we want to go, but with time. For example, if someone wants to lose weight, encouraging them to make lifestyle and health changes and losing weight will be a by product, but not to focus on it as that can have a negative mindset and incorporate guilt, which is what we want to avoid. Looking at positive lifestyle changes and incorporating self-care are more important.  

  1. What advice would you give parents who feel overwhelmed by the idea of making significant changes to their fitness and nutrition habits?

Break it down into sizeable chunks. Start making small lifestyle changes. Once this feels more comfortable, you can start incorporating other lifestyle changes. For example, I swap mayo for balsamic vinegar, oil, lemon, and salt.

  1. Something I Wish People Knew About Me?

I’m an open book. I love reading and watching movies. I’m a romantic at heart.

If people are interested in following you, please provide your details: 

The first Monday of each month we run a detox which is aimed at helping busy parents reset their bodies, create new wellness habits and flood their bodies with whole food nutrients which will bridge the gap with what we're eating and what we should be eating. Any client that is interested is guided through this program and will experience benefits such as clearer mind, better sleep, glowing skin, reduced bloating, stronger nails and hair. Post detox we will integrate what we've learned to create long lasting habits. If you're interested in learning more about the detox, please follow the link below: 

If you're interested in learning more or would like to enrol in the program, please contact me on Instagram or Facebook through @gawellness or WhatsApp on 0413 585 105. 

Join Georgia's Wellness Journey: Start your path to balanced living today with personalised coaching from Georgia Arharidis.

Top Quotes

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Photo by frame harirak / Unsplash

Georgia likes this quote:

Sometimes the most important thing in the whole day is the rest we take between two breathes' - Etty Hilversum
Motivation is what gets you started, Habit is what keeps you going - Jim Ryun 

Below are the quotes I like on this topic:

“The mind and body are not separate. What affects one, affects the other.” Unknown
Your body hears everything your mind says.” Naomi Judd
“Eat to live, not live to eat. Proverb
When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” Paulo Coelho
Transform Your Life: Uncover practical tips and holistic strategies that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine for a healthier, happier lifestyle with Georgia. What could you try this week?

Questions and Reflections

woman in black bikini on lake during daytime
Photo by Belinda Fewings / Unsplash

1.      What does fitness mean to you?

  • Reflect: Consider how your perception of fitness has evolved. How does incorporating mental, emotional, and spiritual health into your fitness routine enhance your overall well-being?

2.      How do you currently balance physical activity with nutrition in your daily life?

  • Reflect: Think about your current habits. Are there areas where you could improve your balance? How might a holistic approach to fitness and nutrition bring more harmony and energy to your day?

3.      In what ways do you incorporate self-care into your fitness and nutrition routine?

  • Reflect: Evaluate your self-care practices. How do these practices support your physical, mental, and emotional health? What new self-care habits could you adopt to enhance your holistic wellness journey further?


man and woman holding their daughter
Photo by Jeniffer Araújo / Unsplash

In wrapping up, Georgia is passionate about helping families achieve a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Her holistic approach combines fitness, nutrition, and self-care to empower parents and families to rediscover their zest for life. Through personalised coaching, Georgia offers practical and effective strategies to overcome everyday challenges and achieve wellness goals. By making small, manageable changes and fostering a positive mindset, her clients find sustainable improvements in their well-being. I hope you enjoyed learning about Georgia's transformative journey and how you, too, can experience a more fulfilling life.

Empower Your Well-Being: Connect with Georgia for expert guidance on fitness, nutrition, and achieving your wellness goals.

Hit Subscribe for a Special Treat! Sign up for a free PDF packed with quick 2-minute self-care ideas. Imagine how just a few minutes of self-care each day could transform your daily life, and how much more connected and present you could feel with your family and friends. Feel the difference when you're grounded and in tune with yourself. Don't miss out; subscribe now, plus tell your friends! Thank you!

✨ How to Find Those 2-Minute Pockets for Wellness ✨

🚀 I've got you covered!

 Finding 2-Minute Gaps Throughout Your Day:

☕ While waiting for your morning coffee or tea to brew.

🚇 Commuting, waiting for public transport, or sitting in your car before leaving.

💻 While your computer boots up or before a meeting starts.

🛒 Waiting in line (at the store, bank, etc.).

🚸 While waiting to pick up your kids from school or at the bus stop.

💼 During short breaks at work or home.

🍲 While your dinner cooks.

🪥 While brushing your teeth.

🌐 Waiting for a web page to load or during a commercial break.

🌙 Before bed.

Connect with me:

Mama, are you stuck on autopilot?

Feeling like every day's a blur of diapers, dishes, and endless to-do lists?

The good news is you DON'T have to stay stuck. With my coaching service, you can transform your life.

Imagine waking up feeling energised and excited about your day. Imagine having the clarity to make decisions that genuinely light you up. Imagine feeling connected to your purpose, even amidst the chaos of motherhood.

Want to unlock a secret roadmap to your energy? Showing you how to:

·         Ditch the exhaustion and tap into sustainable energy. 🔋

·         Break free from decision fatigue and find clarity. 🧘‍♀️

·         Rediscover your passions and live a life that feels authentically YOU. 💖

Ready to break the cycle and step into a more vibrant, joyful version of motherhood? Let's chat!
Drop me a DM on Instagram or peek at my calendar below.

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards clarity, empowerment, and personal growth? For just AUD 50, you can schedule a transformative 30-minute call with me. It's an affordable investment that could change your life!

Investing in yourself is the ultimate investment. Grab this chance to transcend your limits and embrace the extraordinary. Let's unlock your potential together!

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Here’s to a more vibrant, energised, and thriving you!

Thanks for being here, and let’s kickstart your growth and toast to your successes as you unlock your full potential!

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Photo by Alisa Anton / Unsplash

Feeling stuck in a rut and yearning for a life transformation?

"Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life" offers busy mums like you a powerful roadmap to break free from limiting beliefs and create a life that lights you up. Stay tuned for the full book review on the 18th of August 2024. I am a big fan of Bob Proctor's work.

Subscribe now!

Get ready for some transformative insights and super actionable tips to take your wellbeing to new heights! Keep that excitement buzzing—we're just getting started on your wellness journey! 

Live your Life on Purpose!

With much Love

Mukti Santos 

“Creating a healthy mindset is and investment in your overall wellbeing.”  Unknown

Journal Prompts 

Finding Balance: Look at your current lifestyle and consider where you might feel off balance. What small, simple changes could you make to create a more balanced and fulfilling routine? How can you prioritise self-care to improve your overall wellbeing?
Your Growth Journey: Reflect on a time when you made a big change in your life, whether in fitness, nutrition, or another area. What pushed you to make this change? What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? How did this experience affect your mindset and health?
Family Wellness Goals: Consider the unique needs and lifestyles of your family. What health and wellness goals do you have for yourself and your loved ones? How can you use Georgia's fitness, nutrition, and self-care tips to help your family reach these goals? Write down a plan to start making these changes together.