9 min read

Blog 62: Spacious Life by Kylie, Professional Organiser

Learn how Kylie transformed her life by decluttering and get her top tips.
Blog 62: Spacious Life by Kylie, Professional Organiser
Photo by Jeremy Bishop / Unsplash

Learn how Kylie transformed her life by decluttering and get her top tips.


gray dress shirt hang on brown wooden rack in front of window with white curtain
Photo by tu tu / Unsplash

Welcome, Kylie, from The Spacious Life. As a Professional Organiser, she helps many women learn the skills they need to not only declutter their homes and lives but also make life easier and simpler overall.  It’s all about creating a space and home that you love and supports you in every way. Her journey from stress to happiness through organising inspired me to share this magic with you. Whether it's your home, office, or life, she shares simple and fun ways to stay organised. Let's turn chaos into calm, one small step at a time. Ready to feel lighter and happier? Let's get started!

Introduction: Kylie, tell me about yourself, your personality, and your passion. How do you serve yourself? Also, how do you serve the community?

I’m happily married to my wonderful husband, and we have a beautiful son who brings so much joy to our lives. We also have a very cute dog with his own unique personality who keeps us on our toes! In my free time, I enjoy reading, pottering in the garden, and playing board games with my boys, I’m also known for my spontaneous crazy ideas and adventures, love to keep life interesting! I’m passionate about life and how we can make the most of it, and one thing I do to honour this passion is look after myself with movement, good food and fun friendships. I’m here for the long haul!  I feel very strongly that it’s my purpose during this lifetime to help as many others do the same.

10 Questions for Kylie

1.      What inspired you to start your journey in decluttering and organising?

The path to establishing The Spacious Life began with my own experiences of stress and overwhelm. Balancing a business, managing staff, and raising a young child pushed me to discover the magic of decluttering. It became my coping mechanism, the more ‘stuff” I moved on, the freer and lighter I felt!

2.      Can you share a personal story about how decluttering significantly impacted your life?

The path to establishing The Spacious Life began with my experiences of stress and overwhelm. Balancing a business, managing staff, and raising a young child pushed me to discover the magic of decluttering. It became my coping mechanism; the more ‘stuff” I moved on, the freer and lighter I felt!

3.      How do you stay motivated to maintain an organised space consistently?

Firstly, by being very aware of how I feel when things build up around me and secondly, by letting go of perfectionism! It’s so much easier when you do small things regularly. I’ve also become very good at delegation within our family home!!!

4.      What is the "2 minutes rule," and how has it changed how you approach decluttering?

The '2 minutes rule' is a simple yet powerful strategy for decluttering. It’s all about taking small steps regularly without being overwhelmed, stressed, or procrastinating. When you apply this rule, you can bypass those negative feelings and just get things done, feeling liberated and motivated. It’s a game-changer for staying consistently on top of things. The beauty of it is, if a task takes less than 2 minutes, just do it! It's that simple.

5.      What are some common misconceptions about decluttering and organising?

You only need to do it once; you couldn’t possibly get a whole house done with small steps; you’re better off finding the right time to get it all done in one hit. In reality, we will always have things coming into our home, so the key is to create a flow of things coming in and going out. It’s when we wait for the “right” time where overwhelm and procrastination take hold. The right is now, and the best action starts with just 2 minutes! Overall, this is a lifestyle change.

pink flowers on gray ceramic vase
Photo by Alex Seinet / Unsplash

6.      How do you handle sentimental items that are hard to let go of?

I've transformed my perspective on this issue. I've learned to view sentimental items from a new angle, considering if someone else might need them more or whom I could help by giving them away. I use a 4-step filter system with specific questions to assist my clients in re-evaluating their attachments to these items; sometimes, it's perfectly fine to keep certain sentimental items!

7.      What are your top three tips for someone just starting their decluttering journey?

Start finding a home for as many things as possible, particularly the items you use regularly. Create a flow to get your clutter moving from in to out. Use the 2-minute rule to create a new habit of doing small things regularly.

8.      How can busy mums incorporate practical decluttering tips into their daily routines?



9.      How do you balance minimalism with keeping things that bring you joy?

 I don't consider myself a strict minimalist. Instead, I've found balance with the things I need and want around me. This balance is unique for everyone. I've become very conscious of what truly brings me joy and what doesn't, allowing me to keep the items that matter most while maintaining a sense of ease and simplicity.

10.      Something I Wish People Knew About Me

I haven’t always been an organised person! This is something I just fell into through life experiences, and I’m extremely grateful life has led me towards this way of living!

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Join us on this exciting journey! 💖 Sign up for Kylie's top organising tips and bring joy to your home now!

Top Quotes

brown wooden quote board on white wall
Photo by Madhuri Mohite / Unsplash

Kylie likes this quote:

“The more you have, the more occupied you are.  The less you have the more free you are.” Mother Theresa

 "A home with fewer possessions is more spacious, more calming, and more focused on the people who live inside it." Joshua Becker

Below are the quotes I like on this topic:

“Your home is living space, not storage space.” Francine Jay
“Owing less is better than organizing more. Joshua Becker
“With wisdom comes the desire for simplicity.” Bredon Burchard
Discover the joy of a clutter-free life! 🚀 Follow Kylie on Instagram and Facebook for practical tips and start creating your serene space today!

Questions and Reflections

mountain reflecting on body of water
Photo by Mohit Khatri / Unsplash
  1. What areas of your home cause you the most stress due to clutter, and why?

Reflect: Think about how clutter in these areas impacts your daily life and mood. How might organising these spaces improve your overall well-being?

  1. How does the "2-minute rule" idea resonate with you, and how can you start applying it today?

Reflect: Consider small tasks you can tackle immediately using the 2-minute rule. How could this simple practice begin to transform your daily routine and reduce stress?

  1. What sentimental items do you find hard to release, and how do they affect your space? Understanding their impact can help you make more informed decisions about what to keep and let go.

Reflect: Reflect on why these items hold significance and if there are ways to honour their memory without saving them. How could freeing up space change your living environment and emotional state?


MacBook Air beside gold-colored study lamp and spiral books
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic / Unsplash

Ready to transform your home and create a more spacious life? At Spacious Life by Kylie, in this blog, we have helped you discover the joy and freedom of decluttering and organising. Imagine a home where everything has its place, and you feel lighter and happier daily. Together, we'll tackle the clutter and create serene, beautiful spaces that make you smile.

 With my simple and fun approach, you'll find that organising isn't a chore but a rewarding journey. From small steps like the 2-minute rule to personalised strategies that fit your lifestyle, I'll guide you through every step. These strategies are designed specifically for you, ensuring that the process is enjoyable and effective. Let's make your home a sanctuary of calm and joy.

Are you ready to take the first step towards a more organised, peaceful life? Join us on this exciting journey and see how decluttering can make a big difference. Let's get started!

Ready to transform your home? 🌟 Start your decluttering journey with Kylie today and feel the magic of an organised space!

Hit Subscribe for a Special Treat! Sign up for a free PDF packed with quick 2-minute self-care ideas. Imagine how just a few minutes of self-care each day could transform your daily life, and how much more connected and present you could feel with your family and friends. Feel the difference when you're grounded and in tune with yourself. Don't miss out; subscribe now, plus tell your friends! Thank you!

✨ How to Find Those 2-Minute Pockets for Wellness ✨


🚀 I've got you covered!


Finding 2-Minute Gaps Throughout Your Day:


☕ While waiting for your morning coffee or tea to brew.

🚇 Commuting, waiting for public transport, or sitting in your car before leaving.

💻 While your computer boots up or before a meeting starts.

🛒 Waiting in line (at the store, bank, etc.).

🚸 While waiting to pick up your kids from school or at the bus stop.

💼 During short breaks at work or home.

🍲 While your dinner cooks.

🪥 While brushing your teeth.

🌐 Waiting for a web page to load or during a commercial break.

🌙 Before bed.

Connect with me:

Are you tired of feeling like every day is just a repeat of the last, like you're stuck in your version of Groundhog Day?
Drop me a DM on Instagram or peek at my calendar below.

I'm inviting all mums ready for a change to join me in breaking that cycle. Together, we'll explore ways to help you feel calmer and centred after just one call. Let's transform your routine and reignite your enthusiasm for each new day. Join me and step into a fresh, vibrant tomorrow!

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards clarity, empowerment, and personal growth? For just AUD 50, you can schedule a transformative 30-minute call with me. It's an affordable investment that could change your life!

Investing in yourself is the ultimate investment. Grab this chance to transcend your limits and embrace the extraordinary. Let's unlock your potential together!

Join the Gang: Join our community and share your experiences, insights, and any burning questions you have. Let’s build a supportive space where growth and transformation aren’t just goals—they’re what we do!

Here’s to a more vibrant, energised, and thriving you!

Thanks for being here, and let’s kickstart your growth and toast to your successes as you unlock your full potential!

Do you have questions? Don’t be shy—drop me a line! I love chatting with our awesome community.

person walking on beach during daytime
Photo by Ashley Batz / Unsplash

Get ready on 4th of August to dive into "Evidence-Based Coaching: How Michelle's Approach Transforms Leadership and Team Dynamics." Meet Michelle, an integrative development coach who helps women and teams reach new heights. Join me and Michelle as we explore how to move from just getting by to truly thriving. Don't miss it!

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Get ready for some transformative insights and super actionable tips to take your wellbeing to new heights! Keep that excitement buzzing—we're just getting started on your wellness journey! 

Live your Life on Purpose!

With much Love

Mukti Santos 

“Clutter is the enemy of Clarity. “Julia Cameron.

Journal Prompts

Reflect on a time when you felt overwhelmed by clutter. How did it affect your mood and productivity? What steps can you take today to start creating a more organised and peaceful environment?
Write about the most sentimental item you own. Why is it important to you? Consider if there are ways to preserve its memory without keeping the physical item. How would letting go of it change your space and mindset?
List three areas in your home that need decluttering. Describe the feelings these cluttered spaces evoke. Create a plan using the 2-minute rule to start tackling these areas and imagine how a decluttered space will improve your daily life.